
Recreation Advisory Committee

Sharon, Massachusetts

Meeting of April 3, 2008


In Attendance: Fred Benjamin, Mitch Blaustein, Gary Bluestein, Gail Bouton, Mike Ginsberg, Mike Goldstein,  Neil Grossman, Steve Lesco, Ben Puritz.  Rick Schantz   Staff Present: Melissa Lothrop.: Non-Committee Present – Steve Greenburg (Pop Warner Football), Jon Lavien ( Sharon Soccer Association), Margaret Marder (Sharon Youth Baseball & Softball Assoc.), Kevin Weber (D.P.W.) 


            Meeting was called to order by Mike Ginsberg.


            The minutes of the March 20th,  2008 meeting  - Gail Bouton made a motion to amend minutes regarding “Policies and Procedures” – make change to include that Melissa Lothrop created the new “Policies and Procedures”.   Motion accepted.  Minutes were accepted unanimously.



            Field Permits, Usuage and Discussion -  Melissa Lothrop

Field permit forms have been filled out by each youth sports organization for use of fields. There will be fees associated with field usage.  Kevin Weber explained that DPW charges  $12,000 to School Dept. and $12,000 to Recreation Dept. to cover costs to maintain all Town and School athletic  fields.  Kevin distributed “Athletic Fields Maintenance Schedule” to all present.  It describes in detail the maintenance schedule for each field site  for calendar year. It was discussed that the $12,000 should be divided by the various  sports groups (baseball, football, lacrosse, and soccer).  The issue now is  what percentage does each group get charged.  A formula only for this year was to be investigated by Fred Benjamin and Melissa Lothrop, with a more in depth study to determine fees for upcoming years.  Permits are required for all events.    The Recreation dept. would pay the DPW $12,000 and then collect from each sports organization that uses fields.


Melissa distributed to all present “Survey of Field Permit Fees for Massachusetts Cities and Towns” created by the Beverly Recreation Dept.  This document displays how different municipalities set their rates for field permits.  A schedule for Sharon field permit fees needs to be instituted for all types of field permits. 


Kevin Weber reported that the fields are in good shape.  The field at Horizons for Youth has been added to the schedule to maintain.


The Advisory Board discussed the permitting for all the school outdoor recreation sites during the summer months when the schools are closed.  The Recreation Dept has traditionally been responsible for all sites during this period, with  the new master schedule on recreation sites now in place, these fields should be included.  It was agreed to make this a future agenda item for further discussion.


Community Center Open House – Steve Lesco.

Open house will be Sunday, April 13th 1PM-4PM.


There will 2 bands on site for the event.  One will be downstairs at COA and the other will be on main floor.  Volunteers are needed.  Please be there at 12PM.


Other business

Ben Puritz discussed the possibility of extending lease of concession stand at Memorial Beach (hours of operation).  Board was against this.


Ben also reported that the pavilion at Memorial Beach will be refurbished.  “hardy board” material will be installed on exterior with upgrade of doors and windows.  Town Engineer will be coordinating.  Also fencing along Beach Street will be replaced.


Topic of enabling all town employees to purchase beach tags and stickers was discussed.  Motion made by Gary Bluestein – Allow all Town employees to buy beach tags and stickers at resident rates for the summer 2008. Second made by Mike Ginsberg. UNANIMOUSLY  APPROVED:  The motion will be presented to the Selectmen for a recommendation to approve.


It was reported that the Selectmen (April 1 meeting)  approved amended rates recommended by  Rec Advisory Board for Community Center Ballroom.


A sub-committee was organized to set a plan for a specific spreadsheet for fee’s for the Community Center Ballroom.  Members of committee are Mike Ginsburg, Mike Goldstein, Melissa Lothrop, Rick Schantz.  They will report back to Board at next meeting.



Next meeting – April 17th @7PM.


Respectfully submitted by,

Neil Grossman